People are walking in naked to surprise their partners working from home

People are walking in naked while their partner works from home

These reactions make for hilarious viewing (Picture: TikTok @kris_nilz / @emileyypack / @lauklef)

Being quarantined indefinitely means it’s silly season at home.

We’re all finding creative ways to keep ourselves entertained.

And those on TikTok have found one hilarious method with lots of viral potential.

People are filming their partner’s reaction after walking in on them naked while they attempt to work from home.

The trend initially started with a woman strutting in her birthday suit to distract her boyfriend who is occupied while playing video games.

And now it’s evolved to interrupt those working from home or on an important conference call while their reaction is recorded.

It makes for pretty hilarious stuff.

Maybe something for you to try out tomorrow during office hours.

Though we do suggest stripping when it’s a suitable moment for your partner to take a break, for example, lunch time.

In a lot of the videos, the partners – mainly men – usually respond by leaving their game/home office to get up and embrace their spouse.

By embrace we mean sex, most likely.

One man was recorded taking his pants off. But his girlfriend quickly stopped recording so the rest could be left to our imagination.

Even if you don’t want to record your partner’s reaction, you can always distract them while they stress over work.

And as we all know, sex is a good stress-reliever and can improve productivity too.

Company founder Lizzie Benton previously told us she doesn’t think there’s a problem with having midday sex during a work day.

‘Professionally, what you do on your lunch break is up to you, and if it doesn’t breach any work policies then you’re all good,’ she tells

‘I personally think this is a great way to spend your break. In times of a crisis such as this, it’s important to remain positive, and have fun.

‘Sex is great at getting those endorphins and lifting our mood when everything can feel so negative. And this is only going to have a positive impact on your productivity. Happier people equals better work.’

Whether you’re in it for sex, a laugh or just the chance to feel like a sexy Goddess or Adonis then we recommend a bit of impromtu flashing.

Just mind the windows. Or don’t, if your into that sort of thing.

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People are walking in naked to surprise their partners working from home

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